3 Jun 2013

The 10 Golden Rules of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Here we publish the most important basics and tips for clean search engine optimization.
We have written these tips for search engine optimization for two reasons: Firstly, we want to allow both the layman and the professional among webmasters, web pages with the help of our tips & tools to improve. Secondly, we are a SEO Company India that makes money with your search engine optimization services. We always have customers who say, "I want to square 1 What does the "One can such a complex question, which is about the same as when someone says to an architect"? I want a nice house in the country, what does the "answer not seriously flat. These rules are intended to explain and customers with no technical understanding of the operation of search engines and make it understandable, does exactly what a good service. They should understand what is associated with more effort and why some things take a few days until they are reflected and others for months or even years.

You will realize that SEO currently has more to do with our view of the right of making available information and usability, as with tricks. The aim of the most important search engine, Google, is valuable information to make available again. Search Engine optimization is to help present this information as optimally as possible. We will show that basic usability factors and a good information architecture and great content much more prominent role than technical tweaks and hidden tricks. We know that other companies offer still "old school" search engine optimization, many blackhat optimization even still called (spam). We do not "optimize" therefore, our services are purely advisory in nature and because it is time consuming, it is worthwhile, especially for larger customers. But for all these other tips are meant yes. If you really work through, you create the top 10 of their own. We promise! For suggestions and tips we always have an open ear. Please fill out this form. We will reply by return of post!

Rule 1: Be Organic!

Search engines, especially Google, use a major portion of their energy in the fight against spam. They do everything to avoid spam. How do search engines recognize spam? In general, the fact that spam is inorganically. Example: From one day to 1,000,000 new web pages appear with a page in Google's index. What Google thinks so? It can not go with right things.

Google can now categorize relatively good websites. At a news page Google assumes that every day a certain amount of new content is added, at a corporate presence website, Google shows relatively usually left.

What does that mean? Google needs to protect against spam. This makes Google mainly by analyzing how "normal" or "good" websites work and operate as "spam pages". Typical characteristic of a bad website: Both the number of websites, as well as the number of incoming links to increase dramatically. Such a growth is not organic and Google spam filters are sounding the alarm.

Now you will say, "But then would never even a new website up and I know X-counterexamples." Then what do you call times! Most of the larger websites that have done it lately but have achieved this using a manual activation or is it a site that "is in vogue."

Now you will ask yourself, "How does Google's non-organic growth of a spam page of the normal side?" This is not that difficult. Google uses its services to "Google Trends". Tap times a search term, such as your name. Immerse yourself in there, Google recognizes that you are a trend and then you can grow up to a certain extent. Your websites are not part of a trend, you should definitely try an organic growth.

When two do the same, it is far from the same! For the reasons mentioned above is that you just if you have a small website must not simply look at methods of large websites. What Google can go through with website could be assessed on your website as spam.

Please also remember that Google is not everything. Redeemed by the robot and technically, but there are thousands of quality raters are to evaluate your website manually An important criterion here, except if you spamming or do not like is "go-getting" you. A website that runs a blog and otherwise active in the scene, is rated higher than a "dead" company website.

Tip: Add steadily and organically new, valuable content to your web page!

Rule 2: Get to know your users!
This tip sounds once more to search marketing than by search engine optimization. But search engines also try to recognize the target audience you write for your websites and search engines are trying to analyze whether you serve your target audience well. This, of course, are mainly the links that point to your website, used, but also try searching content, qualitative analysis, about the lives of the users to visit your website to make it. The more precisely you know your audience, the better.

Use analysis software. Are very common in India for example E-Tracker, Web track, Information Tools and Google Analytics. Users to improve such analysis tools to your usability and to analyze if your website is optimized for users. Clean up consistently every barrier out of the way. Too often we make the discovery that website operators believe your users "find the information already." Please believe us, each mouthful you prepare your information for users, the better it works well with the search engines.

Rule 3: Avoid barriers!
This tip also sounds trivial at first glance. Anyone who has a little busy with SEO knows that you have to prepare a search engine's own website bite. But reality is different. Here are the main barriers in which search engines fail:

Flash: Flash movies can Google index although theoretically. A possible indexing but not nearly the same power as "normal" text.

Frames: If your website has a special feature: a frame structure: frames are pursued only limited by search engines. If one uses the so-called No Frames area from where you can place text and links to sub pages. This means that the search engines follow these links and index your website more text. There are still some examples where frames "work". In general, however, these are historical reasons. We do not recommend frames from clear.

I Frames: I Frames do with frames despite the name similarity nothing in common. I frames are usually indexed by search engines and it should not be used.

Large image files: to search engines regularly to swallow very large image files (> 100KB). Avoid!

Long loading times: The size of a website is important. Clear out your websites and streamline the code!

Session IDs: Google can now deal fairly with sessions IDs. But just the IDs of JSP pages make Google to create yet. Google recommends the "id" parameter to take to rename a session variable. It is even better to hide the session variables and only use it for the actual cart process is.

Slow server: load times are becoming increasingly important for Google. The robot is upset when he has to wait, because that eats resources. Do not pay attention only to the pure loading time of the HTML file, but also on the loading time of your javascripts, on the rate of internal redirects and DNS server speed.

Tip: Add to Google Webmaster Tools, you can see the speed at which Google indexes your website and if you have problems.

Long parameter strings: In many online shops you can still see URLs like shop.php cat = 3 & sid = & product 999 383 838 393 = 786 & country = In or similar?. Make use of so-called URL rewriting this URL to convert into readable forms. FOR EXAMPLE / In/shop/beecher/beech1.html. This is very important if you want to optimize for search engines a shop!

A helpful tool that you should definitely use the Google Webmaster Tools. Google tells you where there are problems. Which websites can not be spider and how Google sees your website.

Rule 4: Internal Linking
A search engine makes a picture from a website. A search engine tries to "understand" how the structure of a web page. As the website is nested and structured. Help the search engine by recycling your tree bite.

Use to use graphical navigation with text instead of your navigation points. Use a sitemap. Meant is not "Google Sitemaps", but really a normal sitemap.

And note in all your efforts rule1!. Vary your link text. Always use the same link text, a search engine can interpret this as spam.

The best way to create an array and assign each website a search and link to your website from any other website that contains the search term on the website to be optimized.

Rule 5: "Content is King”.
This rate applies lately just for the popular Google search engine. It is conceivable to create a special workflow, will be published by the Article would. The focus here should, as in the link popularity also lie on a "organic" growth. The "organic growth", it is also why clients should be cared for in the long term. Since you need to focus on your core competency, you have not the time to worry about it when which site links to your website or cycles in which your website needs fresh content.

Rule 6: Left, left, left and left again!
Links are the "currency" in search engine optimization. The more links pointing to your website from another web page, the higher it ranks in a search engine importance of a.

The so-called off-page optimization ensures that a search engine evaluates the value of your website relative to other competitors as high as possible. Appropriate keywords in the search engine result showing a higher search engine measures the value of your website, the better.

Was it so far is that most search engine optimizers put "On-Page Optimization", so this optimization is increasingly losing its meaning - and the meaning of "off page optimization" is increasing more and more. The most important parameter for a good "off page optimization" is the number and quality of links pointing to your site. Google measures this popularity by Page Rank.

A common approach is to enroll in inheriting PR web directories and portals bookmark. Especially the latter makes sense because you get out of these portals also provide valuable users. In our statistics, the portals Bookmark and Digg come in the number of visitors equal to the 3 major search engines.

But please avoid spamming. The revenge very quickly. You'd be better now and create good content and interesting tools to help you "automatically" links from other websites to get.

It is much better to use classic PR work. You want so that good users come to your website. More and more coming and quite "legal" is so-called Link Building. But you have good content or good content, begging falls on particularly fertile ground.

Rule 7: Let the world know you're there!
Until now Sites were registered directly in any of the major search engines. There are indeed on the Google website registration form, but only the own website is registrable. In practice, the robot lurches to a search engine link to a website and then decreases along the sides of the search engine. No links, no indexing.

You can log in using "Google Sitemaps" its website to Google Google however. So that Google can now be sent in future each file on the server for information, there are even additional important parameters. Thus we can specify how often a file changes, as currently is the file and how important they considered. All this information could not yet be transmitted. This is much easier for the operator of a website. However, Google Sitemap provides only for a speedy indexing. They achieve with Google Sitemaps does not improve your positioning in search engines.

Rule 8: Do not be too old-fashioned!
It can be observed in the most popular Internet search engine optimization forums: Many search engine optimizers are old-fashioned. You once read a tip somewhere or heard and that's why you follow this tip to all eternity. What was today, no longer apply tomorrow. Example Directories: They were long considered the possibility for smaller search engine optimizers, it is today so that a link can hurt even more if you do not correct them.

So it is with the so-called On Site optimization. There are still a myriad of optimizers operate the old-school SEO. These include the insertion of keywords in alt tags of images, the excessive use of awards as strong, bold and italics, the keyword density and many other factors.

Search engines use very sophisticated methods. As far as search engine optimization, so you already have 95% of success, at least as far as the On Site optimization, if you have keywords in the title tag of a web page, even excellent in an h2 heading and a couple of times (Keyword Density approx 3 -4%) will accommodate the text.

A good editor who writes professional web texts, which makes anyway.

Rule 9: The right audience / the right keywords!
Semantic Search always get a higher weighting in Google. Take a look again at Same age to which word field is currently determining a semantic search engine for your website. You should always produce an entire field to the keyword to be optimized search around.

Think again of rule number 5!

How do you identify the right Keywords?

With a keyword database.
You can for example use our keywords database or the one from Google. A database shows keywords you enter the words users really in search engines. In the Google keyword database, you can enter only your website and Google will then show you the relevant keywords to.

Based on the analysis of your conversions.
Go into your analysis program. For example, Google Analytics. Go to sources and see what keywords users looking for an organic conversion on your web page. These keywords will have the same keyword from a database and you have a very good keyword basis.

Rule 10: analyze and have patience!
I know many search engine optimizers who read in a forum some "hot tip" and then implement it. If you then a few days later to see changes in the list of search results from Google and others, you attribute this to your changes made a few days ago.

Search engines Google and just change the ranking of web pages in a very long time periods. Until a link from another website to your own website by strikes, it may take months, so only the link because Google has to index, which already takes into account time and then it iteratively until the next evaluation round.

They therefore do not change permanently your website. Please observe our rules once and do otherwise, except to add fresh content, nothing on your website. You are with Google!


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